Friday 28 May 2010

Look out Ariel!

This is my attempt for the monthly challenge over at The Mill Pond. The challange is to include your journalling in your title and to do something different with your title, something that you would normally do. I included my journalling about not wishing to meet Ursula with my title Under the Sea and I mixed Doodlebug alphas with small Adornit alphas. I wouldn't normally mix a small font with a large one but I like the result.
We saw this scray lady at the Disney Dreams Come True Parade at the Magic Kingdom in 2007. I love that parade! Above is the original photo it all its scary glory.

Saturday 8 May 2010

The Great Scrap Lift

What I love about scrapbooking is that even when your scrapbooking mojo has got up and gone you can always find inspiration in all the lovely work shared online. I'd picked a photo of my little man that I wanted to scrap and I had some new 3 Bugs in a Rug that I thought would be prefect but no mojo to create anything. So I hopped over to to have a looksee and fell in love with this, isn't it gorgeous. I tried to use it just as inspiration but loved everything so much that it is a complete scraplift from layout to title to supplies. I'm so pleased with the result and I even got to use my new hand stitching tools and my scallop template :)

The cheeky little giraffe is one I bought in Joanns or Michaels in Orlando over two years ago, isn't he a cutie? Happy Saturday! Thanks for dropping by. Kxx

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Mojo! wherefore art thou mojo...

My scrapping mojo seems to have gone on it's holiday so I've been revisiting some of my favourites sources of inspiration. I logged on to to have a peek at all the lovelies over there and imagine my surprise when I saw my 'Chicken, who me?!' page on the homepage :)

If you have a account please pop over and say hi @

Thanks for dropping by. If you come accross my mojo on your travels please send it my way ;) Kxx