Friday 2 August 2013

I'm a secret fruit basket tile loving person {stories of home}

I am playing along with Becky Higgins' stories of home. If you have not heard of stories of home you can find all the info on Becky's blog. I'm not quite sure how it's gonna go but I think I am mainly going to post my photos on Instagram. Please let me know if you are joining in.

I'm kicking off with a photo of our inherited kitchen tiles. Our house is only 13 year old - someone picked these in reasonably recent times?!? Really? I am looking forward to their demise. It has just dawned on me that we have been in our house for 7 years, which means, we've had the fruit basket tiles for longer than the person who picked them! You know what this means don't you... I'm a secret fruit basket loving tile person.