Monday 10 September 2012

Ten on the Tenth in September

10 Things in September brings you 10 things I've learned being a mummy.

1. To wear spit up milk with pride.
2. Baby wipes are the elixir of life.
3. A stash of toy cars in your handbag is not only normal but essential.
4. Your chocolate is not your own.
5. Every inch of grass must be covered by trampolines, swings, slides, playhouses and sandpits.
6. Going straight to the children's clothes section over the woman's section is normal.
7. A never ending supply of chicken dippers, dinosaurs, yoghurt, Dunkers and tomato sauce lives in your kitchen.
8. Toys, crumbs and melted in chocolate must be accepted by anyone who wants to ride in your car.
9. You stick more things to your car than you knew possible; mirrors, mobiles, seat tidies, DVD players, toy steering wheels, sun shades, aerial antennas and still feel the need to add a baby on board sign!
10. I love every minute.

Every month, we blog ten things on the tenth. Your ten things can be absolutely anything you feel like sharing. Pop on over to Shimelle's blog and link to your specific blog post so we can all come read your own list of ten.

This post was also inspired by Shimelle Laine's class Learn Something New Everyday.


  1. lol love your TEN :) Brought back so many memories! Wait until you add an addendum to #4....unless you hide in your closet ;)

  2. Lol, I remember those days now mine are16 and 18 where does it go lol x
