Wednesday 11 January 2012

On the Shelf

I thought I'd share with you a photo of 'The Shelf' in all its festive glory...

You know I love Disney (if you didn't - where have you been?!) right so it wouldn't be Christmas without some Disney ornaments. These are all pieces from the artist - Jim Shore's - Disney Traditions range. I love the bright colours and attention to detail of these pieces. Of course Christmas is a great excuse to show some of by beloved Pocket Dragon collection the light of day (even if it is only for a couple of weeks). We have no space for these little criters anymore but I can't bare to part with them so they live in the attic. I live in hope that there will be a little corner for them when the much talked about (a lot less actioned about) extention is added to our house. If you are a Christmas dragon you are in luck though. You get to come out to play once a year. I bought the gold bauble stand in M&S years ago, it has the prefect amount of hangy bits for the 12 Years of Christmas mini Dragons set. Aren't they the cutest. You can see 'Listening for Santa' which reminds me of Jack with the little sleepy suit on and 'Oh Dragon Tree' at the back there. You can see a little homage to Yankee Candle at the far end of the shelf. The top of our Expedit entertainment unit houses my whole Christmas Yankee Candle collection but it's horrible to photograph so no piccies I'm afraid. The Merry Christmas banner was a bargain from Tesco after they reduced their Christmas decs and the string of reindeer lights is from M&S that I bought in there 3 for 2 offer along with a Christmas present for my auntie and this little guy...

Meet our Elf - Elf. Yup, imaginatively named 'Elf' or Mr Elf' to give him his full Sunday name. He didn't really make a great impact on Jack this year. Jack is still a little bit too young to grasp the concept of consequences and didn't really understand that Elf was watching and reporting back to Santa on his behaviour. Although he knew he was Santa's friend. Jack proudly told the Santa in Dobbies so. To be honest I sucked at anything remotely exciting for Elf. Apart from swinging on the light, Jack's bike and Jack's Santa advent calendar, I don't really think he got up to much. Maybe next year...

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who offer me advice on downsizing my stash and working without a craft room. I've got a few more ideas now although as I sit in my craft room now I do wonder where it is ALL going to go.


  1. Great photo's I love Pocket Dragons & have quite a big collection too, I cried when they stopped making them.
    C xx

  2. Kirsteen I LOVE the shelf :O) contact me at wendy.hayton @ to get details of the disney scrappers :O)

  3. I love your shelf. SO much life to it
