Sunday 10 July 2011

10 Things

This month I'm dedicating my 10 Things post to 10 things I love about Orlando, where I have been twice, once in 2005 and once on honeymoon in 2007.
  1. Gasparilla's hotdog and fries. Especially after an 8 hour flight, having just checked into the Grand Floridian!!

  2. Wild Cherry Pepsi bought in bulk at Wal*Mart

  3. Lays Chips (crisps). First discovered at the kiosk in the American pavillion at EPCOT having forgotten the chips means crisps.

  4. Carrot Cake from Disney's Port Orleans Riverside Resort. Must be eaten every night like ritual.

  5. Mickey's Philharmagic show at the Magic Kingdom

  6. Dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table in Cinderella Castle. Epecially on one week wedding anniversaries

  7. Being upgraded to Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa on our honeymoon trip. Yup t'is true.

  8. Joanns, Michaels, Wal*Mart and Target. Need I say more?

  9. Sipping virgin cocktails in Bahama Breeze

  10. Disney's Days of Christmas shop in Downtown Disney. Christmas all year round!
There are other people blogging 10 Things today today. Why don't you join us? Pop on over to and add your link once your done :)


  1. ooo i went to michaels in new york, coulda spent hours in there! and dinner at cinderellas castle, so jelous!lovely memories.
    p.s i always try following your blog, says i am, yet i dont show up on your followers and dont get any of your posts in my reader, so dont know what is wrong with that so gonna follow on twitter xo

  2. We loved Orlando when we went there....would love to return.

  3. great list ~ I have been twice:)!!!

  4. What a great honeymoon surprise - bet you can't wait to get back there with the kids in tow!

  5. I love Disney too! I have been 11 times and also went on my honeymoon!!!
